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Drag Element consists of a 12 foot length of 1/8' nylon cord connected to the Trim-eter by a 10-foot length of monofilament line. Trim-eter has a 5-inch, three faced dial which can be read from a distance of 10 feet. Dial faces have white numerals on a black background. All parts are of brass or alumnium. The instrument weighs 8 ounces.
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Original Owner BUSH HOG ROTO HOG RT60G 5' CAT 1 - 3 POINT HITCH ROTO TILLER local pickup only. Bought new as Dickson County Equipment in 2018. We paid over $3500.00. DELIVERYWe can't deliver, you will have to come pick it up. Our zip-code 37098.
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